
Edição Título
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0: for an integrated vision of economic, social, and environmental development Resumo  PDF (English)
Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Presentation Resumo  PDF (English)
Nísia Trindade Lima
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Changes and lessons learned from Covid-19 and the territorial dimension of health: for a new generation of development public policies Resumo  PDF (English)
Helena M. M. Lastres, Valdênia Apolinário, Sérgio Castro, Marcelo Matos
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Presentation Resumo  PDF (English)
Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Occupations and the new HEIC job market in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic Resumo  PDF (English)
Denis Maracci Gimnez, Juliana Pinto de Moura Cajueiro
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Puzzles of Capitalism and the World of Life Resumo  PDF (English)
Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Global dynamics, impasses of SUS and HEIC as a way out of the crisis Resumo  PDF (English)
Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha, Felipe Duvaresch Kamia, Juliana Duffles Donato Moreira, Karla Bernardo Mattoso Montenegro, Leandro Pinheiro Safatle, Marco Aurelio de Carvalho Nascimento
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