
Edição Título
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" The Covid-19 sanitary crisis and the productivity and technological vulnerability of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex in Brazil within the context of financialization Resumo  PDF (English)
Fernando Sarti, Celio Hiratuka, Camila Veneo Campos Fonseca
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Changes and lessons learned from Covid-19 and the territorial dimension of health: for a new generation of development public policies Resumo  PDF (English)
Helena M. M. Lastres, Valdênia Apolinário, Sérgio Castro, Marcelo Matos
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Heterogeneity in the distribution of health professionals in Brazil and the Covid-19 pandemic Resumo  PDF (English)
Anselmo Luís dos Santos, Marcelo Manzano, André Krein
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Covid-19 and the Health Economic-Industrial Complex: structural fragilities and possibilities of facing the sanitary crisis Resumo  PDF (English)
Rodrigo Sabbatini, Camila Veneo Campos Fonseca
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