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v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Editorial Detalhes   PDF (English)
Wilson Vieira, Vera Alves Cepêda, Maria Mello de Malta
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Presentation Resumo   PDF (English)
Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0: for an integrated vision of economic, social, and environmental development Resumo   PDF (English)
Carlos Augusto Grabois Gadelha
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" New digital technologies, financialization, and the Covid-19 pandemic: changes in the global productivity dynamics, the role of the State, and impacts on HEIC Resumo   PDF (English)
José Eduardo Cassiolato, Maria Lucia Falcón, Marina Szapiro
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Changes and lessons learned from Covid-19 and the territorial dimension of health: for a new generation of development public policies Resumo   PDF (English)
Helena M. M. Lastres, Valdênia Apolinário, Sérgio Castro, Marcelo Matos
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Covid-19 and the Health Economic-Industrial Complex: structural fragilities and possibilities of facing the sanitary crisis Resumo   PDF (English)
Rodrigo Sabbatini, Camila Veneo Campos Fonseca
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" The Covid-19 sanitary crisis and the productivity and technological vulnerability of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex in Brazil within the context of financialization Resumo   PDF (English)
Fernando Sarti, Celio Hiratuka, Camila Veneo Campos Fonseca
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Impacts of Covid-19 on telemedicine in Brazil Resumo   PDF (English)
José Maldonado, Antonio Cruz
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Heterogeneity in the distribution of health professionals in Brazil and the Covid-19 pandemic Resumo   PDF (English)
Anselmo Luís dos Santos, Marcelo Manzano, André Krein
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Occupations and the new HEIC job market in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic Resumo   PDF (English)
Denis Maracci Gimnez, Juliana Pinto de Moura Cajueiro
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" The pandemic and HEIC structural challenges: SUS funding, the federalized health services, and public-private relations Resumo   PDF (English)
Esther Dweck, Bruno Moretti, Maria Fernanda Godoy Cardoso de Melo
v. 16, n. 28 (2021): Dossier "Development, health and structural change: The Health Economic-Industrial Complex 4.0 in the context of Covid-19" Budget execution during the pandemic and the future of health public funding Resumo   PDF (English)
Pedro Rossi, Grazielle David
v. 6, n. 8: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (maio de 2011) 1959. Das ideias à ação, a Sudene de Celso Furtado – oportunidade histórica e resistência conservadora Resumo   PDF
Renan Cabral
v. 6, n. 8: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (maio de 2011) 1960. Sudene – resistência e desconfiança Resumo   PDF
Anderson Cardozo
v. 6, n. 8: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (maio de 2011) 1961. Sudene – consolidação nacional e reinserção internacional Resumo   PDF
Diogo Villela Garcia Moura
v. 6, n. 8: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (maio de 2011) 1962. Um roteiro para entender os temas que dominavam a Sudene Resumo   PDF
Rodrigo Santiago
v. 6, n. 8: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (maio de 2011) 1963. A Sudene compreendida à luz dos efeitos da Guerra Fria – uma análise do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo Resumo   PDF
Augusto W. M. Teixeira Jr.
v. 6, n. 8: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (maio de 2011) 1964. A construção interrompida. Sudene, Celso Furtado e o Golpe de 1964 – considerações com base em O Estado de S. Paulo Resumo   PDF
Antonio Henrique Lucena Silva
v. 9, n. 14 (2014) 2004-2014: a atualidade de Celso Furtado dez anos após sua morte Resumo   PDF
Rosa Freire d’Aguiar, Afrânio Garcia Jr., Aldo Ferrer, Angelo Oswaldo de Araújo Santos, Carlos Brandão, Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, Marcos Costa Lima
v. 5, n. 7: Cadernos do Desenvolvimento (outubro de 2010) A atividade petrolífera como fator de transformações da economia e da estrutura produtiva do Rio Grande do Norte, 1985-2004 Resumo   PDF
João Rodrigues Neto
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